But Oh Noes! Earlier in the week, Randi claimed she had a surprise for me on Friday. But I had a Smooth Moves gig on Friday! What if I didn't get to have my surprise? That would be lame.
Luckily, our work on Friday was very short, so I came home, got cleaned up, then we began a long trek to Navy Pier. To ride a pirate ship!!!
"The Windy" is a half diesel, half sail ship that you can ride into Lake Michigan. They have different themes for each ride. One gives a history of Lake Michigan's rum runners; one tells [lake themed?] ghost stories at night; the one we went on talked about Lake Michigan's pirate history.
And I got to shoot the cannon! One pirate said they usually let some kid do it, but because I was such an eager beaver, they let me.
I was told the cannon was capable of shooting a two-pound cannon ball, but that that was discouraged by the city of Chicago. Instead, it shot some sort of shotgun round.
Here I am getting ready to hit the back of the cannon with a hammer. I missed the first time.

Back on shore--where it was 10 degrees hotter--we walked over to gawk at the new Marlyn Monroe statue.
It was kind of weird.

Before that, I punched a metal kid in the stomach at the park.