This day started out pretty standard. Randi and I wanted to go do something cool, but we couldn't decide what. I found that the Aquarium had free admission today, so we hopped on the Metra and went.
It's pretty awesome. Or, the parts we got to see are awesome. Some exhibits (dolphins, etc.) were available at a discounted price today. We skipped those exhibits. Randi's favorite: Sea Horses and one Otter that wouldn't stop doing aquabatics. Mine: Jelly Fish and a very tiny Dart Frog.
Some pictures:

At the gift shop:

A Sting Ray! Or maybe a Manta Ray! I don't know the difference...

A picture of one of the two monkeys that where in one of the cases. They had their tails curled together because they're best friends. I took their picture, but they're hard to make out from all the surrounding Amazonian jungle.

A snake!

One of the fish I caught on the way to the aquarium:


So we leave the aquarium, and we are starving. We look around for a little snack, and see a hot dog stand selling Chicago Hot Dogs! For those of you who aren't in the know, a Chicago hot dog is different from your regular, not-Chicago hot dog. It comes on a poppy-seed hot dog bun; it is slathered in mustard, then sweet relish, then diced onions; it has tomato slices, some hot peppers, and a dill pickle slice; it's dusted with celery salt; it is INCREDIBLE!!!

The part I like best about the Chicago hot dog, after its deliciousness of course, is the lack of ketchup. In many places, ketchup isn't even an option. Why? Because ketchup on a hot dog is for babies, that's why. So the next time my friend Matt B. asks for ketchup on his hot dog, you punch him in the teeth for me. Ok?
After dabbling in culinary perfection, we decided to go home. But the Metra station's ticket machine was broken! So we took the bus (#2, Hyde Park Express) straight to our place. It literally drops you off across the street from our complex.
Then! We found that a package had come to us from Randi's mom. Plus, we got deposit money back from our Austin landlord, and I got two other checks in the mail! Cash money!
Then! We come up stairs, and the smell of the Irish Beef Stew I'm cooking in my crock pot smells pretty fresh. Plus Randi has a job interview!!!!!!!! It's a secretary gig working at U of C part time. It's basically perfect for her.
That's about it for now. We may hit up the zoo tomorrow.
Stay Tuned.