After Austin, we traveled to Wichita Falls, Nate's hometown. When we arrived, the first thing we wanted to do was meet this sweet girl:
We made gingerbread houses. Nate's was very fancy, complete with flying buttresses and gargoyles. Here we are working diligently.
Candy with her cute little house.
Nanny Carol's house was an adorable disaster. It was set up on the "wrong side of the tracks" from the other houses. Those "tracks" were made of licorice that Owen ate the next day while we were admiring our gingerbread village. :)

While we were in WF, we were treated to an eye exam and new glasses! Both Nate and I were wearing glasses that were about a decade old, so having new glasses is very exciting. We actually wear them out of the house now.
Look how handsome!

My picture is not handsome, but you can see how awesome my glasses are. Nate was cracking me up, which is a pretty common occurrence.
Even Owen got new glasses! Heehee.
We opened presents. We were all completely spoiled.
And here's the whole crew for Christmas dinner. Well, everyone except Steve, who is taking the pictures. And you can't see Isla, but she's over there by her Mama.
We had a really nice time in WF. As usual, we played games with the family (I got stomped playing Crazy Bee Rummy), ate delicious food (and lots of it), and just hung around enjoying each other's company. I have to say (and I know some of you folks out there will agree with me), I think our niece and nephew are pretty special. I really enjoyed hanging out with Owen. He's such a genuinely sweet kid. He spent a lot of time watching Mary Poppins, playing outside with sidewalk chalk, and just being cute and funny and curious. Here he is enjoying a harmonica performance by Uncle Chip-Chip.
How can you not fall in love with this smile? She's smiling at her mama while she tries on her new furry boots.
Living so far away makes it hard to say good-bye.
More Texas coming at ya sometime soon!
yee-haw! Good reporting, Randi!