Team Hensley

Team Hensley

Monday, December 15, 2014

Twinkle, twinkle

Since Clyde has been so interested in the lights on the tree, we decided to take him to the Trail of Lights down at Zilker Park to really blow his mind.

Clydester and I picked up Nathan from work and went to Chuy's happy hour a few blocks away from the lights. We had heard that parking and everything was a nightmare, but our strategy seemed to really work because we didn't have any problems at all. When we first got to the Trail, we were worried that he might sleep through the whole thing because he was pretty conked out when we first arrived. 

But he soon woke up and was fascinated! He spent about half the time looking at the lights and half the time staring at his hat that was in his dad's hand. 

Nathan and I have been to the Trail of Lights pre-Clyde, but it was a million times more fun with him! They have a North Pole set up where we had a flip book made from this seven second video and this family photo taken.

We will definitely be back next year!

Have I mentioned that Christmas is so, so, so fun with a little one, even when he's super tiny? We can't wait to head to Wichita Falls on Sunday and see the fam and celebrate the holidays with everyone!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Our big, brave boy

Sweet Clydestie went to the doctor today for his two month check-up and shots. He is 12lbs 15oz and a whopping 24.5 inches tall, which puts him in the 97th percentile for height. Our doctor told us not to mention to other parents of babies that our little guy sleeps 6-8 hours every night.

He cried during his shots, but was easily comforted by some snuggles and milk. He went to sleep minutes later and all seems to be forgotten now. :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Two months

Our little Clyde is already a whole two months old! He is an absolute champ at life so far. He's still growing like a weed and getting stronger everyday. We go to the doc for his shots on Thursday, so we will have a height/weight update then. 

Here's a random assortment of cuteness for you:

And here's the look we got when he saw us bringing a tree into the house:

But it soon turned into amazement when the lights went on it. He really loves to stare at lights, fans, his mobile that the sweet Kent family sent to us, and his Chicago poster. 

He's also started holding his hands up like he's boxing quite a bit, especially when he's getting a diaper change. 

And he's grabbing onto his toys and taking more of an interest in them.

He even went to a couple of protests this month, one for Rodney Reed at the Bastrop court house and one against police brutality in Austin. He seemed pretty interested in all the people and sounds, but we didn't stay long because his mama was worried he would get overstimulated.

We love him so much and can't wait to see what's in store for his third month of life! 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

A whole month old!

Our sweet Clyde has already been here one month! It's gone by in a flash, which makes me want to cherish every single second that he's a teensy baby.

He's spent his first month mainly eating, sleeping, pooping, and staring at his Mama and Daddy. He also has pretty strong neck muscles due to his Dad's instance on lots of tummy time (Nate saw a poster of baby's smashed heads at the pediatrician's office that scared him). He's listened to a fair amount of reggae, West African jazz, and depression era music. Oh, and a Jay-Z lullaby CD we have (yes, that's a real thing). He's had a bunch of visitors and his short time here has already been filled with lots and lots of love.

We're pretty sure he's smiling at us on purpose now (instead of his gassy smiles), but it could just be the wishful thinking of two parents that spend a lot of time staring at their adorable son. :) We haven't caught a picture of it yet, but we do have many others of his funny faces.

He's sometimes holding his puppy pacifier in his mouth, which makes us think he's probably a baby genius. He's also had no problem taking the occasional bottle. 

And he seems to be enjoying the extra space he's had outside of the womb. He's also continuing to grow really fast and has already outgrown most of his newborn clothes.

It probably goes without saying, but we are completely smitten with the little guy. I think he likes us, too. <3